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Yantara Jiro

Be the Source of your own Power

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Sacred Journey:
Egypt ~ The Galactic Ascension (12:12)

28 Nov - 13 Dec 2024

Our journey will lead us to these potent temples for our spiritual "tune-ups," where we will engage in toning, singing, and cosmic connections. Utilizing the entire Great Pyramid as a majestic Energy Generator, we will elevate our consciousness and synchronize with the vast energies of the Universe.



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Wesak is one of the most significant Full Moons each year. This year's online (English) program includes mantra recitation & accumulation and receiving channeled prayer transmission by Yantara to generate merits and receive blessings and transmissions on this very auspicious Moon. There will be no LIVE zoom event in 2024.



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Zoom online event

Yantara shares his encounters with the Gods and Goddesses like Thoth, Isis, and Sekhmet, and miraculous experiences in Egypt. Discover why visiting this sacred land in the Dragon Year could lead to a Quantum Leap for spiritual growth and expansion and  a crucial pilgrimage for anyone on the Spiritual Path. He will end the talk with a unique meditation transmission. 

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Arcturus Quantum Healing® is a six-week online journey divided into two stages, the first stage is the preliminary meditation course, and
the second stage Level One focus on developing visualisation skills, sensing subtle energies, symbol drawing and modification, chakra work and more.




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Upcoming Courses

Yantara Jiro is running courses across the globe to learn more about quantum and energy healing as well as sound healing.


The courses are aimed to both people that want to learn more about these topics for their personal knowledge and interest, but also for people that would like to become teachers and healers themselves.

Follow Yantara Jiro

Follow Yantara Jiro on Instagram to be informed about his latest tracks, special events or to hear about his motivational messages. 

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