Special Announcement: Dawn of a New Wave
AH-LE-KEYA, Radiant Ones!
I hope this message finds you well and that you are feeling wonderful.
This letter is truly heartfelt, as it marks a new beginning that I wish to share with you.
Some of you may know that my journey with the Arcturian Star Beings began in 2004 when I was first introduced to them. Since then, my life has been profoundly touched by their teachings. During those early, powerful training sessions, the Arcturians have taught me about the Chakras, Lightbodies, and Healing, contributing to opening my awareness to the stages of Spiritual Awakening in ways that have shaped me deeply.
The love and light I received from the Arcturians were so boundless and transformative that I felt compelled to share this connection with others. I wanted everyone to experience the same guidance and gifts I had been given, which led to the creation of the Arcturus Healing Course.
In the 20 years that have followed, it has been a blessing to witness the profound transformations of countless individuals who, like me, have connected with the Arcturians through transmissions or personal contact. Together, we’ve created an intricate journey of healing and spiritual growth that has touched my heart deeply.
As I look toward 2025, the strong awakenings of a new beginning in my own journey keeps emerging. This new rising force is a completely new wave and requires my full attention to birth it. And as such, the Arcturians and I have agreed to run a final intake together next year. My hope is that you feel not sadness, but a sense of excitement for the fresh energies coming forward and the new paths yet to be revealed.
For those of you who are already working with the Arcturus Healing Symbol, Rainbow Light Healing, or collaborating with your Arcturus Healing Team (AHT), know that these connections are everlasting. Once the activations and initiations are received, they remain with you.
I am confident that the teachings and techniques in Levels 1 and 2 contain all you need to continue your spiritual evolution. With commitment, meditation, and openness to growth, these tools will carry you far.
As for my work with the Arcturians, that beautiful collaboration will continue. Through sound activations and transmissions, I will go on sharing insights and revelations as they emerge. Without the structure of the course, you may even hear some new, unexplored wisdom in the near future.
I am profoundly grateful for your love and trust over these two decades. Together, we have shared a beautiful journey, one that fills my heart with awe and gratitude.
May love and light continue to inspire, uplift, and heal each of us and all we touch.
For this final intake and commencement of the Arcturus Quantum Healing® Course in 2025:
Level One: February 8 – April 6, 2025 (JP/ENG)
Level Two: August 16 – September 27, 2025 (JP)
Level Two: August 16 – September 28, 2025 (ENG)
It would be my joy and honor to travel this last journey with you and the Arcturians.
May we step into this new era with radiant hearts, guided by the stars!
With so much love, AH-LE-KEYA!
Yantara Jiro