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Total Lunar Eclipse -Third Major Spiritual Full Moon - Festival of Goodwill 

Video Premiere (English) on 26 May 2021, 7pm SGT.




🧡 VIDEO RECORDING for this event is available for viewing from 26 May, 7pm SGT until 8 June 4:45pm UK time / 11:45pm SGT time / 9 June 12:45am JPT time.
🧡 To respect and honor the effort and sacred work of our facilitator, please do not share your video link freely.
🧡 You are free to watch this recorded video for as many times as you like until the expiry date and time stated above.

Ticket sales will end on 8 June 2021, 6pm SGT/7pm JPT/ 11am UK.

Get ready to receive major heart chakra upgrades and rebirth transformations!


The three Major Spiritual Full Moon festivals of each year are Festival of Easter, Festival of Wesak and Festival of Goodwill. They generally take place between March until May yearly.

Festival of Easter celebrates the Restoration energy, the power that ignites Spring and where the creative force flourishes and nurtures, abundantly seen in Nature.

Festival of Wesak receives the once-a-year empowerment, initiations and blessings from Shakyamuni Buddha for all Masters, Bodhisattvas, practitioners etc. This is the force of Enlightenment.

Festival of GoodWill, falls on 26 May 2021, known as the Flower Full Moon - distributes the transmitted spiritual forces from Shakyamuni Buddha to all sentient beings for the continuation and good purpose usage for humanity. This is the force of Reconstruction.

26 May 2021 is also a Total Lunar Eclipse. The frequency of this Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius is in Ketu (South Node), the tail of the dragon, this "dragon" in the sky is made up by the planetary bodies of our solar system. It leads us to seek within us, to face our inner-being honestly or a conversation with a trusted person. To help break the repeated stories we tell of ourselves especially the story parts and reasons that hold us back. Each person has their own areas of growth and focus, the power impact of this third spiritual full moon, total lunar eclipse and transmissions from the Great Masters make it all intense and potentially overwhelming.

Yet know that the powers of these three Major Festivals support our hearts, our Will to live, to love, to forgive, to take positive action, to organise, to know and think correctly, to persist and become a better person, to cooperate and develop better relationships.

The soul journey light language transmissions in this Meditation will carry the empowerment and blessings from Wesak Full Moon April 2021 for healing, inspirations and energy to move forward.

As you listen to this meditation, close your eyes and relax. Fill your heart with immense love and appreciation. Pray with clear intent, speak of your aspirations, your goals and dreams.

Ask to receive empowerments that will help to develop your character, to dissolve any defilement thoughts within, and to generate positive merits, so you may gain clarity, peace and raise your consciousness beyond duality.

The light language codings, mantras you will hear are transmissions received during Wesak Super Full Moon, along with new codings that will be included within the recording of this Video Premiere.

The sounds you will hear are meant to affect your energy bodies, chakras and communicate quantumly with the receptors of your cells, pineal and pituitary glands.

You are encouraged to listen to the meditative transmissions daily for two weeks till end of 8 June, two days before the New Moon.

Time: 12PM (London time), 7PM (Singapore time), 8PM (Japan time)
Duration: 1 hour
SGD68 per ticket 

*Upon purchase of your ticket on Peatix, you will receive the information needed to access the recorded video premiere on 26 May. Click on "Watch" for the video.

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