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[THANK YOU] Gifts of Love ❤️ 2023

Radiant Ones,

2022 has been a very special year personally on so many levels. It has given me one of the greatest changes and growth that I have experienced in a while.

Through these changes, it has taught me to take on new roles and challenges and to recreate new possibilities that are exciting and inspiring.

Whenever I write, I enjoy the company of relaxing music, piano is usually my choice to go. With music, I could feel the movement of my heart and my mind, it leads me to places where I can speak with you.

My fingers dance on the keyboard, and colours unfold. I think of you often, all of matter if I know your name, or see your face, I feel we are connected...even the strangers on the streets...I know we are... It warms my heart that we are all living different lives and having different experiences in life. We are unique, beautiful and colourful.

The roles we play, we may be a fashion designer, a nurse, a doctor, a writer, a teacher, a mother, a father, an explorer, a dancer, or an artist...these roles put us in place because when there is asking, there will always be giving...

The cycles of desire intertwine with us deeply. We are by fate, meant to meet, no matter how long or short it may be...

I deeply appreciate your presence, your giving and your love, for being you... I know in moving forward the world we live in is changing so rapidly that many may not feel up to speed...yet a force is pushing us. These rapid changes are peeling away the old fabric of spacetime, old structures and constructs are falling apart. Yet they will remain in our hearts as a gift of strength, courage and motivation for the new generation to build a new world.

When our distractions settle down, our strengths gather and our focus increases... Energies are no longer dispersed and are concentrated. What we do becomes even more powerful than before. What we think, say, act or feel gets amplified. I know our potential, it is infinite. I hope my words bring you comfort, warmth and peace, in your heart and your space.

In 2023, I pray the world we live in will prosper for the people, nature and all living beings. And that sickness and sufferings will eventually cease due to the realisation of wisdom. I have prepared a special recording to support us in this growth and change. I hope you will enjoy it. "SOURCE BECOMING ~ AWAKENING YOUR TRUE-SELF".

This is a transmission that brings different spiritual gifts to each person. There is no cost for this activation blessing. BELOW IS THE VIDEO PREMIERE LINK. THE TRANSMISSION VIDEO LAUNCHES ON 1 JANUARY 2023, 8 AM (SINGAPORE TIME), 9 AM (JAPAN TIME) and 12 AM (LONDON TIME). For other dates and times: click here

Source Becoming ~ Awakening Your True-Self is a transmission of blessings to uplift your heart, mind and body. Feel the light languages streaming from various worlds and heavens bearing gifts of blessings, releasing, clearing and transmuting negative karma. The transmissions also work on the following but are not limited to: Chakras, light bodies, connecting with spiritual lifetimes, ancient wisdom and returning to true-self.

I would also like to give my heartfelt appreciation and big THANK YOU to my co-creators, Sarleia Betty, Pua Chi, Mayra Ganzinotti, and so many others that are not in any way lesser not mentioned here. All of you held so many hats, and the efforts and selfless giving from all of you brought all the events to LIFE! Amazing!

And to all of you who believe in and continue to support us, a


I can't wait to see you all in 2023! I am sure you are as excited for a new cycle ahead as I am!

Many Blessings on this Festive Holiday, and Happy New Year!

With so much...


Yantara Jiro

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